Project Design Matrix (Apr. 12th, 2002 Revision by NUS and NCN)

NUS and NCN collaborative Project (Apr. 2002); Improving Research Techniques in Nursing to promote health status in Samoa

Narrative Summary

Objective Verifiable Indicators

Means of Verification

Important Assumptions

Overall Goal




Human resources who can help to promote health status in Samoa are developed.

l    To conduct a main survey.

l    To describe lifestyles of children in Samoa and Japan.

l    To publish a paper on journal.

l    To utilize the results of the surveys for nursing/general education and awareness to improve health promotion programme.

l    Reports

l    E-mail communications

l    Journal articles

l    Curriculum

l    Contents of discussion

l    Researchers in NUS have time to be engaged in the main survey.

l    Researchers in NUS have time to come to Japan and discuss about the result of the main survey.

l    Necessary staff and facilities are available

Project Purpose




l    To improve research techniques in FON.

l    To finalize preparation for faculty member involved from NUS and NCN.

l    To finalize questionnaire for main survey.

l    To establish the study framework.

l    The results of Pre-test

l    Questionnaire

l    Research plan

Researchers in NUS have time to commit to the survey.





l    Items to be asked are established by using the result of the pre-test.

l    Appropriate sample is chosen towards the survey.

l    The framework of the study is established.

l    To clarify the limitations of the study.

l    The result of Pre-test

l    Questionnaire

l    Research Plan

l    Researchers in NUS think they can utilize computers in nursing research.


0       General

0.1   Every staff involved can understand the purpose of this project.

0.2   Every staff involved can understand the faculties in charge.

0.3   Every staff involved can understand the daily schedule during our visit.

0.4   Consensus can be made in terms of progress.

0.5   Revised PDM is made.

1       Research

1.1   Questionnaire based on customs and culture in Samoa is made.

1.2   Questionnaires are collected from convenient sample. (response rate is over 50%)

1.3   Rationale interpretation can be done on the basis of the result of the pre-test.

1.4   Concrete plan and improvement in items to be asked are decided.

1.5   Items to be investigated will be refined and discussed

2       Computer

2.1  Environment in which researchers can use a computer and the Internet anytime is established. (On the way)

2.2  Standard application for research can be used.

l    Meeting minutes

l    Discussion






NUS (Samoa)

NCN (Japan)


0       General

0.1   Clarify and share the purpose of this project.

0.2   Researchers who are in charge of this project are assigned.

0.3   Detailed schedule is planned.

0.4   Meetings with researchers are held at least once a day.

0.5   At the end of this visit, PDM (this form) will be revised between NUS and NCN.

1       Research

1.1   Discussion about research framework.

1.2   Discussion about research plan.

1.3   Discussion about the questionnaire for children in Samoa.

1.4   Pre-test is done using convenient sample.

1.5   Discussion about the results of the pre-test.

1.6   Discussion about the following survey.

2       Computer

2.1   A machine is set up. (in Deans office)

2.2   A machine is connected to the Internet.

2.3   E-mail accounts are registered. (half done)

2.4   The machine can be used by faculties. (maybe later)

2.5   Data entry form is developed using MS Excel.

2.6   Data analysis is done using MS Excel.

2.7   Brief report is written using MS Word. (later)

Project staff

NUS Dean (Prof. Fulisia)

NUS Researchers

Network Administrator




Meeting room in NUS

Library in NUS

Place to stay in Samoa


Other Resources

IP addresses

Mail accounts

Telephone line

Short-term Specialist

Research in Pediatric Nursing (Dr. Uchida): 2w

Informatics in Nursing (Maeda): 2w



Desktop Computer: 1 set


Pre-discussion in Japan

IRC @NCN / working group / JICA: 20h



To be supported from NUS headquarter.

To be supported from JICA Local Office




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This page is produced by Jukai MAEDA
International Research Center in Cross-Cultural Nursing
Nagano College of Nursing, Japan
Last Update: 2002-04-26 11:27 am (JST)